Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Big 4!

Once Halloween hits, it seems like the craziness begins and spins us right into the new year... and before you know it, it's the middle of January and you're already thinking about Christmas shopping again! Whew!
Now that I've got some time without Little Helpers trying to get at the computer, let's share the craziness of the Durrer Family over the past few weeks!

The biggest news... Clayton turned 4! Wow, where did the time go? He started off his birthday "week" (it seemed like!) by taking cupcakes to school to share with his friends!
And then we celebrated with Clayton's Custom Buffet dinner... 
Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches, Squid Dogs and Mac & Cheese with Hot Chocolate and Apple Juice. Yum! (Not Really!) But, hey... If I can fulfill his every birthday wish for the bargain price of about $15, you know I'd do it all over again!
The Squid Dogs have raised quite a bit of discussion, and let me tell you, they're a kid's delight! We've been doing more and more "Kid Cooking" lately, so kid friendly recipes are on high demand. This creation we found in our Family Fun magazine and it's been requested a few times already.

Squid Dogs
Ingredients: hot dogs, dry spaghetti, butter or ketchup (optional)
Instructions: Cut the hot dogs into sections and stick 4 spaghetti noodles through the center of the dog (long ways). Boil until the spaghetti is tender. Servew with butter or ketchup, if desired.
Stephanie - Clayton's godmother 
We were excited to celebrate with cousin Emily and Rena, Morrisa & Madelyn... Spider Man style! 
Jenn, Skylar and Auntie Annie 
Auntie Katie & Chris 
Grandpa, Abby & Papa 
Grammy & Grandma 

Daddy, Mike - Clayton's godfather & Uncle 
This is one conversation that I would have loved to have interpreted! :) 
You may have noticed Clayton's choice of apparel... his Spider Man costume, intended for Halloween, that's been worn daily since two weeks Before Halloween (mind you, it is now nearly mid-January)! The "use" that's been gotten out of this $20 purchase amazed me enough to inspire his birthday gift...
another $20 spent on 6 costumes in the post-Halloween Clearance at Target! Please allow me to introduce... Knight Emily, Luigi Rena and Shrek Clayton, shown with his brand new cap gun! Also in the collection are Skeleton Man, Iron Man and Phat Rapper... What a riot! By far the best entertainment I could have ever found! And still, Spider Man is a daily wardrobe choice, but now we are frequented with other visitors from the costume box!
And a Spider Man birthday would not be complete without a Spider Man Birthday Cake! Complete with every mini-spider man guy we own!  
Happy Birthday, little man (please note the Iron Man costume... may I point out, the 3rd wardrobe change of the evening)!

Sometimes... it's better not to ask. I'm just glad that there were cupcakes for the rest of us!

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