Sunday, February 13, 2011

Holiday Greetings Throughout the Year

The holidays are officially over, and the only signs that they were even here are the basket of greeting cards from friends and family, the small glass tree in the china cabinet that was missed during Operation Take-Down and the occasional bit of glistening glitter, caught in the carpet.

Everything gets packed up and put away until it's time to drag it out again, but what about those greeting cards? I love looking through them from time to time, and still have the cards from last year in the card basket. That meant one thing... It was time to update the faces on the dining room wall!

So, I got out this years photo cards and pulled down the frames. I got this idea from my mom, who started displaying her christmas photos in frames when we were growing up.
First, I removed the photos that were in the frames. Since the cards we received last year are still in the card basket, the photos on the wall were from two years ago! Once June rolled around, I decided it was too late to "update" and settled on changing them out after the new year. It is amazing to see how the families have grown in what seems like no time at all!
 Then to play with the layout... to fit in as many photos as I can to be enjoyed for the next year.

Finally, one down and one more to go!  
And today's project is a wrap! Only a couple of years ago there was one frame on the wall and I think this year I could have filled three. We love seeing the faces of our friends and family throughout the year, they're a great reminder of the memories we've shared over the years and the memories we have yet to create!


colleen said...

So cute Ellen. I am inspired. Now to find the time...

Unknown said...

Thanks! The hardest part is actually the 20 extra little fingers that try to "help"!