Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Artichoke Delight!

This is the perfect time of year to get your hands on some giant California artichokes! The Monterey coastal area is filled with artichoke plants, with funny green flowers on top - the artichoke is actually an edible bud, and oh, how Yummy it is!

Artichokes are so yummy, that they are a family favorite - and one of our 5-year old's favorite foods! We eat them regularly when they are in season and wanted to show you this quick recipe for Steamed Artichokes.

I start by cutting the stem off flush with the base of the artichoke. These are very large ones, I picked up for just over $1 each. They are the size of my hand and can easily be a meal in themselves!

Place your artichokes in a glass bowl and add about 1" of water.

Then cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

Stick the bowl in the microwave - Yes! In the micro! Ours has a "Fresh Vegetables" setting that I use, I have not really paid attention to how long they cook for, maybe 3-5 minutes. When the micro stopps, leave the door closed for another 2-3 minutes to let them steam a bit more.

Careful! The bowl will be hot! Then remove the plastic wrap, drain the hot water - Carefully! - and serve with mayo.

We also had some amazing Honey Garlic Porkchops that I found a recipe for on Pinterest! I love that site! Mmmmm! We'll be using that recipe again, too! A cup of brown rice cooked in a can of chicken broth with a Tbsp of butter and a green salad made this meal complete!

Just peel a leaf at a time, dip in mayo, and go to town! Yum!

Love these happy customers!

Our favorite part of the artichoke, is the heart! Once you've eaten all the leaves, remove the "hairy" inside and you're left with a bowl-shaped heart. Top with a smear of mayo and you're one bite away from heaven! Artichoke hearts are a hot commodity around here and if you're not paying attention, your heart just may get stolen!

Today we've linked up over at Two Maids a Milking - hop on over and check out a Fantastic Apple Pear Crumble Tart recipe!
Click on the Recipes tag to find more recipe ideas!


colleen said...

I cannot believe I missed this post. We have been steaming chokes for months now on the stove. I will microwave tonight! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Super easy! I have pinned a Roasted Artichoke recipe on Pinterest that I can't wait to try out!