Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Some Randomness...

On a recent return trip from my parents' home in Novato, we had a Very clear view of the Bay Bridge and San Francisco as we passed over the Richmond/San Rafael Bridge.

Clayton has been quite the adventurer of late! One afternoon we set up the tent & tunnel set in the living room for the boys to play "Fort" in and Clayton announced that he'd be camping out in the tent that night. I figured it would be a short-lived attempt, that he'd be up, fooling around, talking, playing with his flashlight, whatever he could do to not sleep. My apologies, little man! He was asleep in about 20 minutes and even slept in a little longer than normal the next morning!
He owes Charisse & Dhillon a Huge Thank You for his next adventure! After he was completely in awe after we stopped on the side of the road and watched a shaker shaking almond trees, just down the street from our house, Charisse & Dhillon invited him over to take a ride in a shaker! Clayton rode for about 45 minutes, and I'm pretty sure he'd have stayed all day if that had been the plan! When we were in the car, headed home, he said... "Mom! He even let Me shake some of those trees!" Thank you, Dhillon! We owe you!

With Daddy out of town for a few days, it was time for a cousins round of bowling! Clayton & Emily are really getting the hang of it and had a great time!

As you can tell... we could all use some practice in this department!
Happy Bowling!

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