Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cherries are coming!

As Spring finally begins to make its grand entrance, many farmers in our neighborhood are cleaning up and making decisions on how to proceed after the series of storms that we recently experienced here in the Central Valley. Completely uprooted almond trees, like the one above, are a common sight. Trees young, old and everything in between... in this orchard alone I spotted at least a dozen lost trees, as I drove past.

On the brighter side, the worker bees are back at it again... this time they're pollinating the cherry orchards! This orchard is, literally, just across the street from the Almond orchard I posted about recently. It is truly amazing just how many different agriculture commodities are grown right in our back yard.
For some reason, it seems like the trees did not bloom as fully this year, almost like the leaves were eager to reach the long awaited sunshine. But... their short appearance does not make them any less beautiful! 

This orchard produces some of the most vibrant colored cherries in the most incredible yellow, orange and red colors! I can't wait to share them with you later this Summer! And fresh cherries...  Ahh... nothing even comes close to fresh, juicy cherries!
For more information about our local cherry industry, you can visit the California Cherry Advisory Board. I think I'll be a frequent visit to their Recipe section, very soon! Yum!


Sarah said...

thanks for stopping by the blog. love your site!


Unknown said...

Thank you for visiting!